PolCoRe at DiGRA 2015

Between May 14 and May 17, 2015, PolCoRE members Jaroslav Švelch and Jan Švelch presented their work at the DiGRA (Digital Games Research Association) conference in Lüneburg, Germany. DiGRA is the largest game studies conference which features cutting edge research on the medium of games.

Jaroslav Švelch participated in the Non-Linear Histories of Independent Games and Game Studies in Central Europe panels and presented two papers: What’so Funny About Glitches about games, glitch, and humor, and Protest Games in 1980s Czechoslovakia: Beyond Procedural Rhetoric. The latter presented an innovative view of “political” games, using the example of 1980s games which were made to protest the Communist regime – and were therefore among the first examples of the use of new media in political participation or activism.

Jan Švelch presented two papers The Ludic, the Cinematic and the Paratextual: Towards a Typology of Video Game Trailers and The Joy of Discovery, Experimentation or Just Exploitation? The Roles of Glitches in Video Game Culture. The latter focused on different roles and meanings of glitches. In the context of microtransactions (in-game purchases with real money), glitches can be used as a form of „political“ protest against developers‘ monetization schemes.

DiGRA 2015

DiGRA participants (including Jan Švelch) playing three-sided football, a situationist critique of Marxist dialectics.

Czechoslovak Political Games from 1988-1989

Games as ProtestPolCoRE member Jaroslav Švelch has recently given a number of talks at conferences and research departments in the U.S. and Canada. Most of his presentations focused on the function of digital games in the everyday lives and politics of 1980s Czechoslovakia. His research shows that several Czechoslovak digital games from 1988-1989 rank among the earliest examples of “political” games which explicitly express the authors’ political opinions, in this case protesting against the totalitarian regime. Jaroslav gave talks at the Society for Cinema and Media Studies conference in Montréal, at Concordia University (also in Montréal), at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Microsoft Research New England (both in Cambridge, MA), and at the Different Games conference at New York Univesity. To read more about the topic, you can read his article published in the journal Game Studies: http://gamestudies.org/1302/articles/svelch.

New Book: Contradictions of Communication

ProtislovjaJernej Amon Prodnik (member of PolCoRe) has published a book „Contradictions of Communication: Towards a Critique of Commodification in Political Economy of Communication“ which is available in Slovene from Faculty of Social Sciences Ljubljana Press (link).



The book emphasizes that in the current historical epoch contradictions that are a constitutive part of capitalist societes broaden and expand into communication. Author points out that social changes and communication technologies need to be analysed in a historical manner, in the context of the existing asymmetries of power. The starting point of the monograph is in the political economy of communication, that offers a way of holistically analysing structural, historical changes and the most fundamental social relations, with special focus on communication, media, and information. Analyses in the book move between fundamental theoretical insights that build on critical approaches to social sciences, and currently topical issues.


O krizi médií v ČR

Krize médiíV pondělí 16. března 2015 se koná akce zaměřená na otázku krize médií v České republice. V závěrečné diskusi vystoupí rovněž Václav Štětka ze skupiny PolCoRe.

Večer o terorismu a reality show


Václav Štětka, člen skupiny PolCoRe, se 25. 2. 2015 zúčastnil promítacího večeru Kina 43 Institutu Kryptoanarchie, který se zaměřil iráckou reality show In The Grip of Law, jejímiž hlavními postavami jsou reální teroristé.

Foto: Jakub Macháček

Language management in English-language online discussion forums

Our member Jaroslav Švelch has just published the article “Excuse my poor English: language management in English-language online discussion forums” in the International Journal of the Sociology of Language. It focuses on the ways in which language management and language politics are being practiced in online English language discussion forums. Although these forums use English as their lingua franca, their users are often non-native speakers. The article investigates the strategies that users employ in order to be communicate successfully or to enforce desired language behavior.

Link: http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/ijsl.2015.2015.issue-232/ijsl-2014-0046/ijsl-2014-0046.xml

Politici považují sociální média za nezbytnou součást kampaní

Skupina PolCoRe se podílela na výzkumu Postoje českých politiků vůči médiím a kvalitě žurnalistiky, který realizoval Roman Hájek z Katedry žurnalistiky FSV UK. Výzkum se týkal toho, jakou moc přisuzují politici jednotlivým typům médií, včetně sociálních médií, jak politici hodnotí fungování médií a jaké mají vztahy s novináři.

Z odpovědí poslanců a senátorů týkajících se role sociálních médií například vyplývá: „Pro téměř 90 % politiků představují sociální média nezbytnou součást politických kampaní (66 % rozhodně souhlasí, 23 % spíše souhlasí s tvrzením, že v kampaních se sociálním médiím nelze vyhnout). V případě významu sociálních sítí pro každodenní práci politiků už ovšem tak významná shoda nepanuje – za velmi důležité je považuje 26 % poslanců a senátorů, za spíše důležité 36 %.“

Sociální média v politickém životěKompletní zpráva z výzkumu je dostupná zde: Postoje českých politiků vůči médiím a kvalitě žurnalistiky