
Švelch, Jaroslav (2015). Simulated interfaces and virtual machines in hacking games. CEEGS 2015, Krakow, 21-24 October 2015.

Švelch, Jan (2015). Distributing Patches and Errata: A Comparative Approach to the Study of Technical Updates for Digital and Analog Games. CEEGS 2015, Krakow, 21-24 October 2015.

Švelch, Jan & T. Krobová (2015). Who Is the Note-Worthy Fan? – Player Individuality and Community in Official Communication of Mainstream Video Games. CEEGS 2015, Krakow, 21-24 October 2015.

Macková, A. & V. Štětka (2015). Building Audiences or Still Being Ignored by the Citizens? The Czech Parties and Politicians on Facebook in the 2013 Parliamentary Election. IPSA’s RC 10, RC 22 and RC 34 Conference „Communication, Democracy and Digital Technology“, Rovinj (Croatia) 2-3 October 2015

Štětka, V.; Vochocová, L. & Hladík, R. (2015). Levelling the field but not changing the game: the role of social media in electoral campaigning in the Czech Republic. CEECOM 2015, Zagreb, 12-14 June 2015.

Vochocová, L.; Štětka, V. & Mazák, J. (2015). Good girls don’t comment on politics?: Online political expression in the Czech Republic from a gender perspective. CEECOM 2015, Zagreb, 12-14 June 2015.

Švelch, Jaroslav; Švelch, Jan (2015). What’so Funny About Glitches. DiGRA 2015, Lüneburg, 14-17 May 2015.

Švelch, Jaroslav (2015). Protest Games in 1980s Czechoslovakia: Beyond Procedural Rhetoric. DiGRA 2015, Lüneburg, 14-17 May 2015.

Švelch, Jan (2015). The Ludic, the Cinematic and the Paratextual: Towards a Typology of Video Game Trailers. DiGRA 2015, Lüneburg, 14-17 May 2015.

Švelch, Jan; Švelch, Jaroslav (2015). The Joy of Discovery, Experimentation or Just Exploitation? The Roles of Glitches in Video Game Culture. DiGRA 2015, Lüneburg, 14-17 May 2015.

Švelch, Jaroslav (2015). Regional Diversity vs Globalization in Digital Games / A Historical Perspective from Czechoslovakia, Different Games 2015, New York, USA, April 2015

Švelch, Jaroslav (2015).You’re standing in the living room: Homebrew games and everyday life in the 1980s Czechoslovakia, Society for Cinema and Media Studies 2015 conference, Montréal, Canada, March 2015

Štětka, V. (2014) Party communication and user participation in the 2014 EP election campaign on Facebook in the Czech Republic. „Campaigning for Europe 2014: Parties, Mass Media and Voters in the European Parliamentary Elections 2014”, 17-19 November 2014, Annweiler, Germany.

Hladík, R.; Štětka, V. (2014) Too much buzz about nothing? Use of social media as news sources in the Czech Republic. ECREA 2014, Lisbon, 12-15 November.

Štětka, V.; Vochocová, L.; Švelch, J. (2014) Campaigning in a contested space: communication on Facebook party profiles during the 2013 Czech Parliamentary Elections. ECREA 2014, Lisbon, 12-15 November.

Mazák, J. (2014) Whither slacktivism? Social media use and political participation in the 2013 Czech Parliamentary Elections. Forms and Functions of Political Participation in the Digital World Conference, Dijon, November 7-8.

Štětka, V. (2014) Social media and citizen participation: new challenges for research. Keynote speech at the Social Media in Academia: Research and Teaching (SMART 2014) conference, Timisoara, September 18-20.

Štětka, V.; Lilleker, D.; Tenscher, J.; Jalali, C. (2014) Professional Campaigning Online: the Role of New Media as Campaign Platforms. Paper presented at the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) conference, Glasgow, September 4-6.

Štětka, V.; Švelch, J. (2014) „The coup that flopped: the role of Facebook in a grassroots political action in the Czech Republic.“ Paper presented at the Social Media and the Transformation of Public Space conference,  Amsterdam 18-20 June. (PowerPoint presentation The coup that flopped)

Prodnik, J. A. (2014) „Digital communication technologies as contradictory tools of citizen participation, political surveillance and economic exploitation.“ Paper presented at the CEECOM 2014 conference, Wroclaw 12-14 June.

Štětka, V.; Hladík, R. (2014) „Social media as news sources in the Czech Republic.“ Paper presented at the CEECOM 2014 conference, Wroclaw 12-14 June.

Štětka, V.; Vochocová, L. (2014) „A dialogue of the deaf, or communities of debate? The use of Facebook for campaign communication and citizen participation in the 2013 Czech Parliamentary Elections.“ Paper presented at the CEECOM 2014 conference, Wroclaw 12-14 June.